About VCA

VCA has been a national Human Resources Development (HRD) provider and outsourced HR consultancy since 1996.

Contact Info
39 Greybe Street, Rynfield Benoni
011 425 3575
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Inter-SETA Transfer

The Skills Development Act and Skills Development Levies Act, require businesses with a yearly payroll of R500 000 and over to register for Skills Development Levies (SDL).

Inter-SETA Transfer

What is an Inter-SETA Transfer?
• It is the process of transferring an entity from one SETA to another SETA.

Reason/s an entity may request for an Inter-SETA Transfer?
1. The core business of the employer falls within the scope of the SETA as demarcated in Regulations R. 316 of 31 March or R. 656 of 1 July 2005.
2. The core business of the company/enterprise has changed since the previous registration with SARS.
3. The employer falls within the jurisdiction of more than one SETA, and the employer’s application to transfer to the new SETA is motivated on the basis of:
 the composition of the workforce,
 the amount of remuneration paid or payable to the different categories of employees; and
 the training needs of the different categories of employees.

Application Process

Registering with the correct SETA has several benefits


  • Counts towards an organization’s skills development score (BEE).
  • Allows employers to benefit from tax rebates by claiming back against skills development levies.
  • Can function as a cost-management measure, potentially reducing the payroll bill.
  • Allows SETAs to approve workplace skills plans, provide funds, and oversee education and training in their sectors.


The transfer process of an employer from one SETA to another SETA can take anything between three (3) to six (6) months, and longer in some cases.


Let VCA assist you and get your organisation transferred to the correct SETA.

Interested in Skills development facilitation?

We are excited to work with you!